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  • SlashCo 13 is an asynchronous horror-themed standalone gamemode based on the Garry's Mod and VRChat gamemodes of the same name, hijacking the already existing antics of Space Station 13 for this goofy horror spinoff.

    It's 2561; three years before the present day. In a crushing blow to the former powerhouse that was the Victus-Gyravi Syndicate; Nanotrasen has finally launched the assault that will crush DS-3 and lead to relative peace within it's corporate interests; the fleetsmen and brave corporate line fighting to regain lost ground and end a long-since overdone war.

    You are not one of these soldiers. You're just an employee - a Power Recovery Technician; to be exact - shipped off to a new jobsite to "re-secure Nanotrasen's holdings" - whatever the hell that means...

  • How To Play: Survivors


    Stay calm. Your first step with Power Recovery is the easiest:
    Locate a generator.

    These are big; bulky; and stick out. They're your lifeline - quite literally - and what you should be focusing on primarily.


    In order to run, each generator requires:

    Four sheets of fuel (a specially crafted plasilicate-wrapped plasma sheet) and a lead-acid battery.

    You'll have to scavenge the station for these components. Fret not - you and your team have all access; though that may not help you if the power's cut...

    Batteries are always found in close proximity to a generator. Fuel can spawn much more freely.




    You can left-click on the generator to insert a sheet of fuel, or insert the battery.

    However, you'll have to do a bit more in order to get it running! You'll need to manually inject the sheet into the generator (like a push-down trash compactor) which; of course; takes several seconds.



    Get two generators online and the shuttle will automatically be called to pick you up! Just be careful - you're not alone out there...

    Alone? Everyone else dead? Twenty minutes in; and only one generator's running? Fret not. You can call the shuttle early in very specific conditions; at the cost of it taking longer and being less sweet a victory.


  • How To Play: Slashers


    Slashers are the other side of SlashCo13; the one-and-only* antagonist role on offer. What do they do? Simple - kill everyone else. Unless there's another Slasher; anyways...

    They each feature a unique powerset and mechanics to differentiate themselves from each other and the survivors; on top of a basic arsenal of a cooldown-laced one-hit kill and a chase mechanic.

    They're formidable; and cannot be killed. Good luck!


    The abilities of Cryptids are simple and easy to understand. They consist of relatively straightforward ways of
    helping you kill Survivors.

    • The Imposter
      The imposter slasher; who's the master of deception and hiding in plain sight. The Imposter can disguise as a member of the Power Recovery team; or; alternatively - as a sheet of fuel. Disguising and undisguising is obvious and paralyzes them; however.


    • Borgmire
      The Brute Slasher who can overpower survivors with overwhelming strength. Borgmire diverts from its OG counterpart; being one of the few slashers given the ability to use its actual hands. While loud; tall; and unable to jumpscare like most other slashers - borgmire makes up for it in heft and utility. 


    • Dolphinman
      The Patient Slasher who waits for survivors to come to him. Dolphinman is a relatively weak slasher that can opt to bank time by rooting himself and hiding away from his prey. Being spotted while hiding refunds all the extra time as additional duration to your next chase - whilst cancelling early only refunds half. Try to hide where survivors are likely to find you... but not too soon.


    • Male_07
      The Omniscient Slasher which can possess one of his many clones. Male07's true power comes from the sheer amount of his vessels are present on the map at any given time - and the ability to freely ghost to possess whichever he pleases; or monitor survivor's progress...



    A Demon's abilities depend on the Items they have consumed, which will be spawned all around the map, and at times the Game Progress of the round, meaning that a Demon's goals is not just killing Survivors, but also finding and consuming Items to grow their power.

    • Princess
      The precious slasher baby who can chase for an eternity do no wrong. Princess starts relatively weak; but entering chase mode will gradually build up her Aggression. Eating one of the many haunted dolls scattered around the map will reset Princess' aggression in return for speeding up the gain rate - so holding onto one as a survivor may be a powerful bargaining tool...


    • Sid
      The Psychotic Slasher which keeps his rage in check with Cookies. Sid starts relatively average; gaining access to a gun with each cookie eaten to use at his leisure; but becomes unable to kill upon consuming one for a brief period of time. Upon eating four cookies or the shuttle docking; Sid is able to freely wield his gun at will.



    The powers of Slashers of the Umbra class grow as the Game Progress increases, meaning they are weak at first, but as the Survivors get closer to completing their assignment, their abilities strengthen.

    • Speedrunner
      What starts slow can be the biggest problem in unsteady hands. Speedrunner will gradually gain speed as the round progresses and they move around; eventually reaching the ability to perform an RNG Sacrifice. Each sacrifice ramps up the intensity at which Speedrunner gains speed further; allows them to accumulate even more - and the music breaks further alongside. RNG Sacrifice has additional effects on the round outside of its direct utility to Speedrunner...


    • Spaceman (OG: Tyler)
      The balance slasher who controls the progress of the round. Only the EXACT amount of fuel needed for the generators will spawn on the map; with Spaceman playing a demented game of hide and seek with the survivors for the rest. Find him and his tunes - before he finds you.


    * 'Only' isn't necessarily true and some antagonist types can still slip through the cracks due to the entropy of Space Station 13. Try to get out of dodge before you find out if your fellow Technician has a crush or something far; far worse.


  • Items


    The power recovery team is entirely alone out in the field - but all sorts of magicks and foul influences are in play; and not all of them pose a threat. Some might even prove helpful...

    • B-Gone Soda
      This highly illegal "drink" is merely repackaged SaturnX for the commercial market. How this got here is a mystery; but it could prove useful to you...


    • Cookie (Basegame Item)
      Demon-Class Slasher Alignment: Sid


    • Devil Die
      A mysterious die that can help; hinder; or ruin. Be cautious if you decide to cast it...


    • Faustian Doll (Basegame Item)
      The faustian doll offers a cruel bargain. It can break your arms; your legs - take your sight; your nose; your very life - but if you need it most; it will be there, ready to whisk you away... you can only hope relatively safely.
      Demon-Class Slasher Alignment: Princess


    • Lab-Grown Meat
      Now cleared for sale in the Spinward Sector! Is it worth it...? Unsure - but it temporarily grants you thermal vision upon being consumed...


    • Mayonnaise
      Something vile stirs within the rotten egg in these - but it heals you well; if you dare to drink up...


    • Pocket Sand
      For blinding your enemies and running off mischievously. Surprisingly not cursed; someone just likes collecting these. You probably shouldn't inhale it all the same.


    • Step Decoy
      Mimics human footsteps where it's found - good for throwing the Slasher off your tail. Unfortunately; it never STOPS it's mimicry...


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